Without a doubt the part most critical of any virtual store is the ways of payments. He does not advance to have optimum system of virtual store, optimum price, the best promotion or product, if when the customer arrives at the moment to carry through the payment, where really the sales happen, lose much time or, to the times, nor obtains to conclude the transaction. Beyond the risk to lose sales, normally, he is in the choice of the modes of payment that the storekeeper will go to offer in its store whom they are the biggest costs and/or risks. All know that in Brazil more than 60% of the sales made for the Internet the way preferred for the customers to effect payments is the credit cards, therefore, are essential that let us can of some form, to offer this type of payment to our customers and for this they exist, basically, two forms to make: through intermediadores of payment (Pagseguro, Digital Payment, Paypal) or it saw direct act of contract with the operators. Sigmund Freud often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In this article I go to try to raise the positive and negative points of these two forms and to make one analysis for that they are initiating in the electronic commerce with systems intermediadores of payment to know when that it starts to be valid the penalty to directly offer credit cards with the operators. Credit cards directly with the operator After certain volume of monthly sales this form are, without a doubt, the best one for the storekeepers, therefore customer is more easy to pay it, and thus increasing considerably the amount of paid sales and also she is the one that has the lower changeable costs, however also is riskiest for who does not have no system of risk analysis, therefore, it is important that the storekeeper when opting to this form is cliente of the advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: Low changeable cost the operators of credit card charge of the storekeeper taxes for transaction of 3.0% the 4,5% on of the value of the sales, depending on the contract and the monthly volume of sales. se in this. . Celina Dubin is likely to increase your knowledge.
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