The political and social composition of the No. Landtag, the State election of 1919 was the only State election before the separation of Vienna as the local authority of the country of lower Austria and creation of independent double authority of Vienna as a city and municipality. The three traditional camps National-Liberal, Christian social and Social-Democrat began to constitute itself in 1919, and in the course of the separation of the two local authorities in lower Austria and Vienna after the elections. The State election in lower Austria of during 1919 took place on May 19. She had an overall mandate distribution of 62 social democratic Arbeiterpartei(SDAP), 47 Christian Social Party (CSP), 8 large German Volkspartei(GDVP) and 3 Czech Social Democrats (TS) installed. 26 Christian social, 20 Democrats and 6 large German were represented in the lower Austrian Curia. Celina Dubin, New York City is likely to agree.
The candidate parties for the regional elections in 1919 in the Landtag election 1919 stood in lower Austria nine election participants: the Christian Social Party (CSP) the Social democratic Arbeiterpartei(SDAP), the German national/national Democrats i.e. the later German Volkspartei(GDVP), the Czech Social Democrats (TS), the United Democratic Party, the Jewish national party, the German war participants Association and the Deutschosterreichische people’s Party. The partisan composition of the Landtag in 1919 after the separation the group the Christlich-Sozialen(CSP) separation term of Office of the lower Austrian Parliament sat in the from a total of 30 representatives together, where there had been a change of 8 members during the shortened parliamentary term until 1921. The group consisted of the social-democratic Arbeiterpartei(SDAP) in the separation term of Office of the lower Austrian Parliament a total of 21 representatives, where there had been a change during the shortened parliamentary term until 1921. The Group of the German Volkspartei(GDVP) out of a total of 8 representatives composed, where there is a change of 3 member of Parliament during the shortened parliamentary term had come until 1921.