Nac Dec. 795/94. Municipal rules on the subject or administrative acts must comply with the terms established by current legislation. They are absolutely null and void the concession awarded without complying with the requirement set out in this scheme, establishing priority for the blind or visually impaired. Failure to comply with legal requirements, determine the official responsibility under Article 1112 of the Civil Code. LAW A.
.. A 100% full coverage by the Social Work and Prepaid Health Plans that must meet the same benefits, this includes rehabilitation therapies, early stimulation, psychology, educational psychology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psycho-physical rehabilitation center, school therapy, physical rehabilitation, provision of orthotic and prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, disposable diapers, holistic dentistry, study Genetic and all other rehabilitation or therapy. Transportation to 0.35 pesos kilometer round trip plus 35% if the person needs help to raise and lower. Education as both common and special school teacher integrator / a. Admission to home with therapeutic school, home to the day center. Prevention and control diagnostic studies but not within the prepaid services provided by social or work and those designed to bring prevention or early detection of disabilities.
Family Group family group counseling, diagnosis and counseling to relatives of people with genetic disabilities hereditary. Other services care by specialists who do not belong to the body of professional social work or prepaid but indispensable to intervene, among many others and should be covered whenever they are properly identified by the treating professional.