What it more strengthens each time the importance of a psychologist acting inside of the pertaining to school environment, to guide and to assist all involved in this process, being developed research in the scope of the education and making group or individual psicopedaggicas interventions. Observing the possible factors that can be harming the learning of the pupil, considering the family, the proper pupil, the school and all the inserted personages in the context, guiding them how much to the best way to deal with the problems and, when necessary, to carry through encaminhamentos to other professionals. In such a way, the place of Pertaining to school Psychology will go to be to transit in the process of transformation and personal, social and educational formation of the citizen, being thus made possible the contact with real its self, its awareness and responsibility ahead of its possibilities and accomplishments. This taking of conscience will be able to favor balance the congruence of this, that in turn will go to influence in the diverse areas of its life, mainly in its pertaining to school life, becoming a more authentic being, responsible and creative. Thus, the psychologist also will be a mediator of this facilitadora relation next to the professor, assisting the same and all the involved ones.
Consideraes final the education centered in the pupil understands the person as a being that is in – world-with-the-other, in historical and culturally situated way. It is a revolutionary form to see the Education that enters in conflict with the common way to proceed from the current schools, which dirigem its efforts in the direction to arm the pupil with necessary knowledge and abilities to the performance of one determined profession. Considering the current context of a globalizado and technological world, one becomes necessary to reflect on a school that can take care of to the yearnings and necessities of its educandos, which request of the pertaining to school environment much more that a space of transmission knowing of them curricular and yes of a space formador of the citizenship, a time that the period of escolarizao also is a moment of formation of the citizen, being the professor an example that always will influence the behavior of the pupils to if relating with the same ones.