Payday loans for people on benefits actually indicate to the growing popularity of the payday loans in benefiting the borrowers. Know more about it here. Payday loans offer instant solution to finance problem faced by people. In the UK, the government has devised a system wherein financial benefits are provided to people who are mentally or physically challenged, aged and handicapped. This has been formulated under the Department of social security so that these people can carry out expenses their daily basic. However, sometimes they may not be able to take care of these people in terms of money. In such a circumstance payday loans come into the picture bailing out these people from their miserable condition. Applying for payday loans is easy.
Payday loans can be drawn without disclosing financial history and no. of collateral is required. A UK citizen above 18 years of age and possessing a valid and active checking account along with the DSS benefit service is eligible to apply for payday loans for people on benefits category. On amount between 100 pounds and 1500 pounds can be drawn as payday loan. Since this loan is provided for overcoming short term financial difficulty, the amount can be used for the purpose of paying grocery, electricity and phone bills, credit card dues and other bills related to medical expenses.
However, payday loans are provided for short term for a stipulated time period of 2 weeks to 1 month. You must repay the loan within this time period or else penalty charges are applied. Lenders do not check credit history for providing payday loans and hence bad credit history is not a problem for people on benefits for being eligible for such loans. Search loans are offered for short term and are unsecured loans based on the monthly income of the borrower. The flip side to such instant monetary problem solution is that the rate of interest charged is quite high. There are several lenders in the market which are vying for the attention of customers. Try to gather information about the lender before you opt for such loans. Payday loans can solve the instant cash problem for people on benefits, but bear in mind wants so that you have to pay a high rate of interest. Cyrus Haden is writer of payday loans without credit check.For any 3 month payday loans, free trial credit monitoring queries visit