
Carried through in ribbons of nitrocelulose I contend monoclonal antibody against specific antigens of the parasite. They present superior sensitivity 95% when compared with the thick drop, and with the 100 superior parasitemia parasitos/L. 1,7 TREATMENT Photo 03: Cinchona I contend Quinine, the primeiroantimalrico. Source: http:/ the malignant malaria, caused for the Plasmodium falciparum is medical umaemergncia. The other malarias are chronic illnesses. The farmacolgico treatment of the malaria is based oxidantes nasuscetibilidade of the parasite to the free radicals and substances, dying in concentrations of these inferior agents to the mortals for the clulashumanas.

The used frmacos increase these concentrations. The quinine (or its quinidina isomer), a medicine antigamenteextrado of the rind of the Cinchona, is still used in its treatment. However, amaioria of the parasites already is resistant to its action. It was supplanted by more efficient drogassintticas, as quinacrina, cloroquina, and primaquina. freqente to be used cocktails (mixtures) of several of these frmacos, therefore hparasitas resistant to any one of them by itself.

The resistance becomes the curadifcil and face. Lately the artemisinina, extracted of one plants Chinese, has given resulted encouraging. It produces free radicals in contact comferro, that she exists especially in the hemoglobina in the interior of the hemcias, ondese locates the parasite. She is extremely efficient in destroying it, causing efeitosadversos minimums. However, the produced amounts today are insufficient. In the future, the culture of the artemisina plant in Africa will be able the costs reduzirsubstancialmente. It is the only antimalarial frmaco for which aindano exists described cases of resistance. Some vaccines are emdesenvolvimento. 1,8 GENETIC EFFECT IN the POPULAESAFECTADAS the falciforme anemia is a recessiva genetic illness (the doisalelos of the gene in cause City of Itaituba Source: The city of Itaituba is located the west of the State will doPar the edges right of the River Tapajs. Its territorial area according to Censo2007 is of> National Foundation deSade in Itaituba In 2005, according to data, the City of Itaituba added umapopulao of 95.719 hab.