Vov Peter

How much to the Espiritismo, in 1980 they were 0.7%, going up for 1,1% in 1991 and arriving the 1.3% in 2000. Adding themselves without religion, the Afro-Brazilians and other religions, such as the Buddhism we have in 1980 3.5%, going up for 6,6% in 1991 and more still in 2000 with 9,5%. Although the […]

Your Ideal

And it is not so difficult, it’s learning a few concepts only. Get it, apply that knowledge and have a good physical condition and good health is the result natural. Supplements if you want to gain muscle fast, base your diet on amino acid and protein bars is not the best way. It may be […]

A Variety Of Garden Styles

When we try to create the perfect world of interaction and relationship with nature, your piece of paradise on earth – we are creating a garden. When the whole world is rapidly moving toward new technologies and technological progress is difficult stay away. Living with all one and the rhythm of every moment, more and […]


When it comes to overcome the paralyzing effects of the same, your best bet is to try the 12 steps to freedom from codependency. This method will be of great help when it comes to learning more about himself and his own abilities. What is codependency? Essentially, it is the need to influence the lives […]

Nietzsche Loneliness

It is the alienation of which we have spoken Hegel, Marx, Fromm: man today lives, but that is not his life, is that imposed by others, with that feeling of strangeness, of uneasiness that today we invaded. The children of many generations of children and young people before, began in libraries, parents, relatives, friends or […]

Abdoniminal Anatomy

Anyone who knows me or has read any other article of this blog will have guessed the answer. A constant in me will be reminding you over and over again that the main objective of any type of exercise you do should be your health. But this time, given the interest that the training of […]

Viral Videos

Many believe, and not without some degree of reason, that the success of viral videos as a means of promotion online largely depends on luck and timing they are released. But, there are certain factors that can contribute to achieve the maximum impact for its dissemination. You must be able to relate the content with […]

Lose Kilos Quickly

There are countless ways of losing millions of pounds quickly. However, there are very few ways to lose pounds safely, fast, cost-effective and effortless, all at the same time. (Most of the diets are typically only a subset of these four criteria. Rarely will find a diet that meets all four of these criteria at […]