Health Place

A total of 590 people has been wounds, according to the vice-minister of Health. The demonstrators throw stones to the Police, that responds as well with the tear gas use. The traffic is cut, safe for the ambulances. At least 43 hurt in shocks between demonstrators and the Police in the Tahrir place. Hundreds of […]

How To Choose An Inflatable Boat

– Resolves an issue for people who do not know the dock for the storage vessel and does not have a trailer, the need for transportation. Inflatable boat features a unique universality. Almost all current large ships possess on board inflatable boats less. Inflatable Boats extremely safe, stability and effective for marine or freshwater area. […]


Most parents, unfortunately, believe that providing proper education to the child and podnakopiv for him money for an apartment, they function as parents is over. But how successful and happy people among those who received higher education? And if all people enjoy life while living in their apartments? Thus, education for your child a millionaire […]

General Physical Techniques

In addition to the proposed preventive measures exclude altogether from his training in the squat and penetration rods. Take no more than 80-85% of 1RM. Traction only do jog. First, the smaller weight rod, and secondly, it is more practical – useful for lifting the barbell on his chest and bench standing, third will receive […]

The Population Of The Earth

In winter 2006 the world population exceeded 6, 5 billion people, while less than 20 years ago July 11, 1987 the figure stood at 5 billion the entire second half of XX century was accompanied by rapid population growth, the so-called "Population explosion". According to most scientists, the earth is overpopulated, and a further increase […]

Balearic Islands

The number of hours that will be devoted to each of these students will be weekly 9. In the event that there is no demand for this intervention is set an alternate schedule for this faculty, which will occupy your time developing adaptations curricular, material or other tasks related previously responsible for the home care […]


the two first-time God Mio!, after a while came Emiliano and found me with gloves examining the patient and asked me nothing? nothing my friend! – told – me accompanied awhile then was because they already closed the dining room University-cursabamos the last year of the career-, passed 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours and […]

A Birth At The Clinic

Had a patient that was several hours into labor, it evaluated it constantly, were the early years of the Decade of the 90s, he ruled Fujimori, I did touch at the start of the day, spines were born, promontory was not palpable, IE pelvis was good, it was a ginecoide pelvis, so I decided to […]

Santa Monica Ten

A new report issued recently by Campaign for Safe Cosmetics warns the health hazards that could cause facial paintings used especially by children and youth in celebrations such as Halloween. After evaluating ten products facial paintings of the types widely available via Internet, in crafts or Halloween stores, the researchers found the following: ten facial […]

Caesarean Already

Had a patient that was several hours into labor, it evaluated it constantly, were the early years of the Decade of the 90s, he ruled Fujimori, I did touch at the start of the day, spines were born, promontory was not palpable, IE pelvis was good, it was a ginecoide pelvis, so I decided to […]