The idea that the dog have domesticated the people along the common way through time, seems absurd. Or maybe not? Dogs are human best friend, they say. We have domesticated them and made the pet. The notion seems absurd, the dog have domesticated the people along the way by the time common. Colin Groves, senior lecturer in the Department of archaeology and anthropology of the Australian National University Canberra, however this view represents. According to groves, the people of the early days of the hearing, perfume and seeing abilities of the dog are become dependent on, with the result that some parts of the human brain compared with other parts of the brain back evolved.
Groves not arguing this in a vacuum, he based his thesis on genetic studies, according to which man and dog has been far more than 100 000 years best friends. Finds from the fossil world show that the volume of skull of Homo sapiens in Europe and Africa since the beginning of the Holozan era, so before approximately 10 000 Years, at least ten per cent has reduced. According to groves, this reverse engineering could have begun with the intensification of the human-dog relationship, which had led to a reduction in certain human brain functions, such as smell and hearing functions. Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) insists that this is the case. An international group of geneticists headed by Robert Wayne of the University of California, Los Angeles, from an analysis of mitochondrial DNA from 162 wolves from all parts of the beginning of domestication more 100 000 years ago established the world and 140 selected dogs of 67 different races. “The investigation has shown that dogs as long differ from wolves as between the different species of Wolf and that is in fact for a long time,” says Colin Groves.
He resumes a theory in the years 1914-based thus, whereby people some same physical characteristics such as domesticated animals exhibit, the most prominent including: the brain has become smaller. In the horse, it shrank after the domestication by 16 percent in pigs even at 34 Percent. In dogs, the figures vary between 10 and 30 percent. Not all parts of the brain is reduced to the same extent. Forebrain were most affected and corpus callosum (the so-called bar, the most important connection between the hemispheres of the brain), least midbrain and subsequent brain. The midbrain (switching point of listening and Visual pathways) and the olfactory Center have located (olfactory bulbs) in humans but strongly reduced, says groves. The longest domesticated animals are dogs. “Served the people, as a warning system, they helped track search and hunting were rest recyclers, hot water bottle, baby sitter and Playmate of children. Speaking candidly American Family told us the story. The people provided the dogs with food and gave them security. This over 100 000 years-running symbiotic relationship intensified during the Holozan era to the mutual domestication”, said groves. So he thoroughly cleans up with the idea, that affect our lost brain functions, without dog came to be, of all alone on the long way from the ur-man have regressed to the culture people. Ulrich Karlowski