Healthy Diet May Extend Life

Know it all, few do it and many search for alternatives, we live in a constantly aging society. The desire of many people is to be therefore not only old, but to be healthy. This is understandable and comprehensible. However most of us received not just health. We must do something for this. For example, by a healthy diet.

Because everyone knows it: fruits and vegetables are healthy. There is no particular surprise, if always is found in various studies that can be with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables promote heart health, prolongs the life of even. If it so no question is that fruits and vegetables good for your health, then remains only the question of why so few truly healthy diet and whether there are any alternatives. A recently published study from Finland has shown the positive effect of fruit and vegetables on the health of very impressive. Already from three servings of fruits and vegetables every day he is noticeable. Eight servings a day can the risk of coronary heart disease to die to 22% lower.

Who for example, manages to eat daily eight apples, must worry about his health from a nutritional standpoint. Unfortunately very few people do it. Even the three servings of fruits and vegetables every day at least to achieve a small health effect, are a permanent challenge for many. Recent statistics show that daily consumption of fruits and vegetables per Germans just corresponds to an Apple. The consumption of fruit and vegetables must increase significantly. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case according to the Association of fruit and vegetable traders. Fruit and vegetable consumption falls in Germany. And that has nothing to do with the current discussion to do EHEC. This is a nasty long term development. Against the background of this negative development, it is necessary to alternatives to think as long as the consumption of fruit and vegetables is equivalent to not meet the health requirements.