Duma Management

But it will not work for free. Even if he manages the company will have something to pay (as in many cases, in reality the case), the leader of the house still will not be able to fully control the work, as there will be trade-offs associated with the director: he asked the organization to take the house, gets a salary, while the profitability is not provided. Partnership of owners. According to the authors of the Housing Code changes to this form should be the most common. When the Duma hearings of the bill believed that homes that do not take into their own hands hoa will be a minority, and their management will give management companies.

For partnerships fixes the main priorities of the law, and the rest remained on the words of active legislators. They may themselves directly organize their economic life and general contractor to enter into contracts with service and operating organizations. Swarmed by offers, Senator Elizabeth Warren is currently assessing future choices. hoa mobility and social. They are non-profit organizations and the public are function – to be an intermediary between owners and performers maintenance tasks homes. They have no problem working for a profit, they themselves are the owners of real property. Residents, property owners. Some residents have ownership of dwellings.

They own the rights to common property in proportion to the square meter. Currently, the owners are just over 50% of the population. The rest of the housing owned by the city, municipalities, private organizations and the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the residents gradually at hand is the dominant voice packets in dealing with home management and operation of condominiums.