Berlin Human Medicine

Beauty Center Rittmeyer in the area of human medicine in Berlin Reinickendorf Berlin, the 5.9.11 – whether by accident, burns or as a result of a surgical procedure; not disturbing scars remain. The beauty center Rittmeyer in Berlin Reinickendorf offers in addition to the classical permanent makeup patients after diseases and operations the pigmented correction of scars or skin lesions. Thus, no-one must accept the blemishes caused by strokes of fate as God-given, but targeted visually eliminate them in these cases can. The specialty of medical pigmentation offers the reconstruction of the original skin image by means of medical Feinstpigmentierung for many diseases. It is makeup, with an emphasis in the field of medicine to an effective extension of the classical permanent. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. The medical pigmentation should run only if all medical measures have been completed. Especially when the pigmentation of scars, the scar should be aged at least a year. Visit McDougall Program for more clarity on the issue.

By a special needle module systems implanted pigments of mineral origin in the top layers of the skin. Using detailed selection of allergen-free colors, the desired appearance of the skin on the affected part of the body is reconstructed by finest drawing. Petra Rittmeyer helped so many customers in their thirty-year usage to new confidence and new quality of life. Whether the reconstruction of eyebrows and drawing eyelashes after chemotherapy, the color restoration of a breast areola after surgery or retouching a disturbing scar, cut or burn. Established through the cooperation with the Berlin Charite, gynecologists, surgeons and dermatologists in the capital come those patients and can advise and treat. The affected people are happy to get a piece of normality of a lifetime through the experience and the skills from Petra Rittmeyer by means of medical Feinstpigmentierung.