The number of hours that will be devoted to each of these students will be weekly 9. In the event that there is no demand for this intervention is set an alternate schedule for this faculty, which will occupy your time developing adaptations curricular, material or other tasks related previously responsible for the home care program shall designate. Home care ends, as in all other cases, with the drafting of a final report, in which are collected all the aspects worked with the child. Balearic Islands: In the community of the Balearic Islands has a great acceptance the program: service care educational home (SAED), whose purpose is the attention of students who cannot attend class for a long period of time by reason of a disease or convalescence. For the academic year 2004 / 2005 has been fitted with this program of 27,000 EUR (only in Mallorca).
On the other hand the Coordinator of disabled is responsible for providing professionals who are at the homes of these students to give them class, in coordination with the tutors, adapting them the curriculum, so that students do not lose the course. Canary Islands: Canary Islands Community Government has legislated in this sense participate, through specific programmes, in coordinated actions for the educational and therapeutic care for those students whose disease is very difficult for their schooling in an ordinary school and require a hospital stay or home care (Art. 20.3. Law education in the Canary Islands). This care became effective, at least from 2004. Cantabria: The instructions given by the Cantabrian education counseling aimed at resolving situations of schooling of pupils with health problems, for the academic year 2004 / 2005, with date of Santander, 10 August 2004, collects as a distinctive notes the following issues: 1. hospital care: a hospital classroom, located at the University Hospital are in service Marques de Valdecilla.