American College

Froiep introduction told, in 1850, that ' ' patients with reumatismo presented points hardened in its muscles, which were painful to presso.' '. In 1904, Gowers called these alterations of fibrosite, where it emphasized sensitivity to the pressure, observing that it did not have local inflammation, relating the presence of fatigue and riot of sleep. During years 70, the fibrosite, as still was called, was considered common cause of muscular pain, for others, as manifestation of ' ' tenso' ' or of ' ' reumatismo psicognico' ' , and for the Reumatologia, as inespecficos clinical symptoms, without characteristics of clinical syndrome. A related site: endocrinologist mentions similar findings. The fibromialgia is a reumatolgica syndrome, without known etiology, reaching, mainly, women between 40 and 55 years, that have as main characteristic diffuse and chronic muscular pain, specific presence to tend points (what it serves as distinguishing for diagnosis of this syndrome). Disgnostic it to be closed and confirmed as Fibromialgia, 9 painful points (to tend points) used must exist (at least) as evaluation criterion, according to American College of Reumatologia: insertion of the subocciptal muscle; superior edge of the trapeze? average portion -, origin of the supply-prickly muscle, intervertebrais spaces of C5? C7, 2 costocondral junction, epicndilo lateral, external superior quadrant of the ndegas, region of bigger trocnter, and region supra-patelar.* the majority of the patients presents sleep not repairman, worsening of pain with house works, no factor of improvement of pain and riots of sleep as associated symptom (great part also makes antidepressant use), has chronic fatigue, matinal rigidity, subjective sensation of edemas, chronic headache, depression, syndrome of the panic and anxiety. As the cause is unknown, the studies appeal genetic predisposition, neuroendcrinas, psychosomatic alterations and of external sleep, and/or factors as muscular artrite, trauma, microtraumas for descondicionamento, and, as it influences of the symptoms, we find the daily alterations, sedentarismo and estresses climatic. Learn more at: PCRM. This article has as main purpose to show effective treatments in the direction of important reduction in the symptoms presented for the individuals that have conclusive disgnostic. . .