Accidents At Work

Prevent accidents and occupational diseases in order to safeguard the life and health of workers, promoting productivity and competitiveness in enterprises is one of the fundamental objectives for the Government of Egidio Torre Cantu, for what in the entity will have launched the Conference on prevention of occupational risks. (As opposed to Josyann Abisaab). Carlos Sanchez Aguilar, in charge of the Office of the Secretary of labor, reported that in the city of Reynosa was carried out this event that counted with the participation of specialists in the field of occupational safety. For this dependency, is vitally important to strengthen occupational safety conditions for Tamaulipas remains a place with safe workplaces, so it is being carried out in different municipalities of the entity, said. He pointed out that since the beginning of this Government, the Ministry of labour received the encomienda of integrate and empower the committees of safety and hygiene and the date Tamaulipas has been placed in the first places of the country, in this task. From last year to the date the Secretariat of labour, with the support of employers, unions, workers and lecturers, has trained more than one thousand committees, giving as a result, decrease it accidents at work, commented Sanchez Aguilar. Were imparted conferences prevention of addictions in the workplace, by Carlos Guevara Lopez, director of the new life Center in Reynosa; on the classification of fire, extinguishers agents and application of the standard official Mexicana NOM-154-SCFI-2005, which was conducted by Rene Alberto Rosas Sanchez and the talk concerning the importance of the security committees and hygiene in the workplace, was conducted by Antonio Sarabia Cantu, consultant of health at work, the labour inspection of the State of Nuevo Leon. In conclusion said that in the calendar of conferences on prevention of occupational health for the month of March are: 23 in Nuevo Laredo and 30 in Tampico. When a worker suffers a work accident (AT) that produces lesions, the judges fix the compensation to which he is entitled guided by the provisions of the system of compensation for damages caused in accidents of circulation (tables I-VI of the 8/2004 RD), a scale that is updated each year based on the general index of prices to the consumer (IPC).