Pirelli Respirable Dust Filter

Particulate filter sytem FeelPure in Germany successful Germany is important for Pirelli eco technology in two respects: the largest sales market for particulate filters is located in Western Europe. And here is the transport-related emissions of special control. Because after the EU policy to reduce the concentration of particulate matter in residential areas was adopted in 2005, a new regulation into force on March 1, 2007 in Germany, which allows the provinces and cities to set up so-called environmental zones. In it, measures may be taken if necessary, which improve the quality of the air. These include also the traffic restrictions. In the meantime, there are such environmental zones in Berlin, Hanover and other 32 cities.

To make central hubs, if it applies, to control compliance with the limit values for exhaust gas and particulate matter emissions by motor vehicles. In the coming year, environmental zones be built also in Freiburg, Heidelberg, and Regensburg. No question: Who lives in a green zone, benefits from the significantly lower pollutant load of air. The health risk of particulate matter is significantly restricted. For many crafts enterprises and transport companies however, that light and heavy Nutzfahrtzeuge insert, environmental zones represent a real problem. The reason: A so-called environmental or sticker must stick to the windshields of cars, commercial vehicles and buses entering into environmental zones. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin).

Their color (red, yellow, or green) shows the euro level of the motor. Over the medium term, alone the Green badge ensures the full journey into environmental zones. So, it is assumed that from the 1 January 2010 not only in Hanover and Berlin, but in a number of other cities the environmental zones for vehicles with red and yellow stickers are already locked. However With a soot particulate filter installation, vehicle owners can upgrade their light and heavy commercial vehicles in the emission class EURO I, II and III to the green sticker and also drive in the environmental zones throughout the year 2010.