Nietzsche Loneliness

It is the alienation of which we have spoken Hegel, Marx, Fromm: man today lives, but that is not his life, is that imposed by others, with that feeling of strangeness, of uneasiness that today we invaded. The children of many generations of children and young people before, began in libraries, parents, relatives, friends or in public libraries, they possessed books that shaped his childhood. Our rose reading books of Emilio Salgari, Julio Verne, Walter Scott, Tomas Carrasquilla, encyclopedias such as the treasure of youth, which left us many teachings, or in hidden in each library, almost invisible, as were the works of Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Vargas Vila, considered unfit for the mind and youth books, because they questioned prevailing society and power. They filled our time, fulfill our loneliness and opened us the horizon to worlds beautiful and wonderful, different to the harsh reality of adults, and the prevailing political condition. As said Maria Zambrano, a specific loneliness is the loneliness of reading: a solitude that is communication: retire to read is to establish a separation that unites, a distance which approximates. Awarded for game on special dates less printed books will play each time, and they are given to us in digital format. Conferences are compiled in CDs, and this has its advantages, but more and more libraries are closed and stores offering all sorts of electronic devices are erected proud in a society dazzled by all the latest technology. This is a reality that cannot be hidden, since the great flood of newspapers, magazines and useless books, have become a heavy burden, and in ecological terms is an attack on the ecosystem.