Installation of a mule and his fashion. I recommend not to use the installer, and use the binaries, which need only to decompress in a folder. To read more click here: Michael Miccoli. ia-at-7-6-in-10-people’>Kaiser Family Foundation. forget about fashion! A couple of weeks is exactly popolzovavshis is the official version, so get used to the idea of the network and understand the basics. Upgrade to the official version = replacement emule.exe old version of the appropriate file from the new. Copy or not the files in the directory where the mule yet – a matter of taste, in any case it can be do later. That would not write in the forum that bad, threatening dire trouble, etc., and against the fact that I use a mule since its inception, practicing it is this 'dangerous method' without any problems – not trample Get started! So config eMule Plus, to do this, click on the tab 'Settings' in the bookmarks bar mule our eyes open the Preferences window, table of contents 'General': Name – You can write your name under which you will see other users. Select a name for himself at the discretion, it is important to add (rus) prefix in the name of that you missed NNov Russian Donkey Server (if you go by the Russian-language content, of course).
Language – you can choose the interface language. Depth 3D – This setting how the lines where you see the process of receiving / sending. This control is a stepwise change the way you view these lines – of 'Convex' pseudo-3D to standard planar images.