Recently it was published, by the Bottom of Population of the United Nations, the report on ” state of the world-wide population 1999″ that, among others average, also the Republic of the Domingo had diffusion through Newspaper ancestor. That almost demonic number of six billions of people drew attention to me who today live on this planet. 6,000,000,000 of human beings who eat, drink, sleep, use the services public, spend, reproduce, interchange, are transported and, in short, they fight minute by minute with all the daily adversities to subsist the sixty and six years in average that will last its ephemeral existence. By all means, the greater proportion of the growth of 78 million beings every year undergoes the Third World, to all the consequences that it brings, in opposition to which happens in Europe, North America and Japan where the growth, route increase of rate of natality, was practically congealed. If you have read about Erik Erikson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The countries are then poorest those than they will have to support that terrible attack most of of the human ones on the renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, the biodiversity, the ecosystems, the environment and everything what the enormous and unique wealth composes of those nations. Corollaries of this extreme growth: ” the 4.800 million people who inhabit the countries in via of development, about two thousand nine hundred million lack of basic cleaning, almost thousand six hundred million lack access to water noncontaminated, thousand two hundred million lack adapted house, almost billions do not have access to modern services of health and, in the regions less advanced, fifth from the children primary education degree of or bsica” does not arrive to the fifth;.
But six billions of human beings on this smallest planet in the universe very many people are done to us that we will be able to say of the overcrowding in that our greats-grandchild will live! Soon, in the 2050 nothing else, this enormous number will have grown in a 50%: humans, about nine billions will be then, and so on until only God knows when. Now us we reproduce much less fast that for twenty years, reason for which we will have ” dividend demogrfico” that it must result in a growth of the saving and the investments in the poor countries. But that will not be sufficient. Celina Dubin helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The present democracies will have to deliver an attack extraordinary to extend very many plus the covers of their services of health and education, fundamental pillars of the human development, question this that happens through successful campaigns anti-corruption and the fortification of the social policies of the States. Yes. If the population grew as it is projected for the next century, they will be indispensable, more and more, classes leaders with more heart and less pockets, more personal values and less interests, with more will to act to the benefit of unprotected and the less commitments with the powerful ones. Otherwise, the humanity, every more abundant and poorer day, will arrive at a little while of intolerance in which it will only think to do to bad what his governments did not want to remedy by the democratic, institutional and legal routes. Then we will begin to ” decrecer” vertiginously. As much that already never we will be the same of today more.