American Government

As the passage of the years, I have seen in my life, of the great problems that the phenomenon of migration has been implicated in various areas for the two countries with the busiest corridor in the world; Mexico and United States. Hear other arguments on the topic with Senator Elizabeth Warren. The path of American migration policies both at federal and State level, increasingly hardens more conducive making a scenario unfavourable to illegal migrants. The figures of dead and missing increases day by day to the parallel of the difficulties that migrants are to the American Government that strives to strengthen the policies of its borders due to the increasing intolerance towards illegal migration. The American dream has become a terrible nightmare for thousands of migrants from Central America who are forced to do the most dangerous route around the world, where human rights have no place and where is the presence of a clear and tangible manner, strong corruption and crime that has taken by assault to our country. Above all, the nightmare of the American dream does not end here; Central American migrants are seen in terrible circumstances by having to cross through hell that has start on the border south of Mexico; 1,112 miles of extension shared with Guatemala and Belize, are impregnated with an essence of criminality and militarization which have resulted in the Mexican southern border to become one of the most dangerous runners in the world. Mexican authorities do little to avoid that illegal migrants will rise to so-called death train, also known as the beast, which offers free transport from the station in Arriaga, Chiapas, to the northern border, and worse still, do little to stop armed gangs that assault, kidnap and murder including both migrants and their modest dreams. Central American migrants take the lose in throughout your journey; must take care of both of the assailants back to cross the border with Mexico, as well as the Police who ironically, on migration, represent the same in the eyes of their vulnerable victims.