Flooring manufacturers use in their work a special scale for the unit it adopted the hardness of oak, with respect to which determine the parameters other breeds. According to this scale the hardest wood of an olive tree (s figure is – 1,5), and the softest of pine and spruce (0, 4, 0, 3, respectively). However, the olive tree (for it can be added as beech and ash) has one of the highest rates of linear expansion, and this means that small changes in temperature and humidity such flooring can 'lead' and all work will go down the drain. Least prone to climatic effects of an array of teak. Read additional details here: Dr. Neal Barnard. However, the conventional indicators of the hardness of wood is very approximate, since the actual settings depend on the number of private conditions. From one wood species produce two types of flooring, which are divided by type of cut on radial and tangential. When the radial sawing wood cut along the radius.
This flooring is a more sturdy, moisture-resistant and smooth, all the wood fibers go at it in a longitudinal direction. Tangential cut is more economical, and therefore much cheaper than the radial. Parquet with the cuts has a pronounced 'tree drawing', it may be marks of knots, divorce or sapwood. At last buying a hardwood floor to be feared. The sapwood is the called the parquet sections with low density. They are pressed, and can easily rot, apparently they are much lighter than the general tone of wood. Next parquet share on the grounds that characterize the knotty wood.