7 Skin Beauty Tips

Some women do not realize that what they do to your skin, it can cause even greater harm than that which they want to avoid using these procedures. In fact, the modern day woman puts on her skin about a dozen different products, most of which contain harmful chemical preservatives. Said Dr. Myron Wentz, founder and chairman of usana Health Sciences, in the issue of his company in June / July 2005: "Some say that beauty – it's just a skin condition. No way! I believe that beauty – is a reflection of true health and true health begins deep inside the body, each of its cage. But the true beauty and true health and have the external component, which provides them with protection from harmful external influences – such as solar radiation, environmental pollution and the withering influence of the air. Health can not be order, if not in the order of the skin, it is a fact. And your skin can not be healthy if you expose her to toxic substances, which are then absorbed into your body.

"So, what do women? How to fight polluted environment, solar radiation, Sears skin by the wind? How can they make sure that they use to care for your skin are the best means to enable them to be healthy both outside and inside? Here are seven tips that may help: 1. Be very attentive to the composition of cosmetic products. Try to use the most natural products. Hear other arguments on the topic with Senator Elizabeth Warren. 2. Look for products manufactured in accordance with Recovery technology surface of the skin (Dermal Surface Renewal Technology, DSR). dsr smooths skin, eliminating signs of aging – wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, dullness of skin, etc.

3. Use products containing regenisomy – substance, deeply penetrating the skin and help it recover quickly after sun exposure. Also, use products containing Photosomes (substances that protect the skin from exposure to sunlight) and ultrasomy (Substances, renews the skin while you sleep). 4. Find products with Proteo-C and Proflavonol-T. Two of these vitamins protect the skin from premature aging caused by sun, pollution and other environmental factors. They also provide skin nourishment and make it smooth and elastic. 5. If possible, do not use products containing parabenzoaty – synthetic chemical preservatives that are widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics products – shampoos, conditioners, hair styling tools, makeup, masks for skin care, lotions, creams and deodorants. They are also often found in baby lotion, shampoo and other products for Skin care for children. In addition, they often occur in foods and medicines. Studies have shown that prolonged use of products which include parabenzoaty may cause benign and malignant breast tumors, so it's best to try to avoid such products, so as not to expose yourself to this harmful chemical. 6. Drink lots of water! Water nourishes the skin and hair, and displays toxins. 7. Try to avoid stressful situations or learn to cope effectively with them. Stress destroys us both physically and emotionally. Find yourself a way to deal with stress and use it daily! Following these seven tips will make you in a real, beautiful and healthy.