Electrocardiogram, or ECG – is one of the most basic methods of examination of the cardiovascular system of man in general, which in addition is that. Its meaning lies in the fact that using a special medetsinskoy equipment called an electrocardiograph, is a registration of electrical potentials (bursts) of the heart while reducing the heart muscle – the myocardium. During the recording of the electrocardiograph heart electrical potential is a record that stands for and analyzed by doctor – cardiologist. Based on analysis of the velocity and direction of the polarization waves in the heart, we can estimate not only functional state, but also to detect foci of myocardial damage in heart, and it is possible to cure them or prevent their emergence. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Senator of Massachusetts and gain more knowledge.. Electrocardiogram – a simple and accessible method to assess heart function. Even if There are no complaints of pain in the heart, electrocardiography is recommended to go at least once a year for all men after 25 years, and women – after 30. This will reveal irregularities in the heart at a very early infarction, heart failure, heart defects. With no small experience and expertise, the firm 'Hitec Group' doing the necessary surveys, and markets a variety of medical equipment. Our devices can help you monitor your health and provide an opportunity to keep it for years!
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