Northeast Region

For Kaercher (2006) perhaps the main task of Geography is to enhance the commitment that fortifies the democratic and ethical values more expanding each time the respect to the other and to the different one. In this perspective, this article has for objective to search elements, from the bibliographical research, capable of to contribute with the quarrel how much to the possibility and if to work Geography in the groups of EJA, the search of the local support. 2. EJA, Geography and Environment the illiteracy if configures in our country, while chronic illness, inheritance of our history that has decades if tries to eradicate. The data on illiteracy have demonstrated how much it is necessary to extend the efforts in the educational area.

As data of the IBGE (2005) the tax of illiteracy of the population above of 15 years in the Bahia is of 18,8%, almost the double of the national tax (10.9%) and very next to the tax of the Northeast Region, that is of 21,9%. Moreover, the tax of illiteracy of this population in the agricultural zone is one of highest of country – 31.6%. It is important to also know that, when analyzed the taxes of functional illiteracy, this picture if becomes still more critical. The Bahia practically fold its general average, going for 35,6%, being that in the Field the tax goes up for 55,6%. The low levels of escolaridade where if it finds great part of the urban populations of low income and more acentuadamente of the field, continues being responsible for a sufficiently considerable number still of excluded, that beyond promoting the low one auto-they esteem, exactly provokes the incredulity of the citizen in itself, the autonomy lack, as well as the lack of perspective of its inclusion as citizen, promoting of this form, its continuous exclusion and pauperizao thus disabling the conquest of one better quality of life.