If the mother determine exactly what the capacity of the heir, and together they form a Progressive tandem: the child will be doing things you love, and to pave the way my mother's talent. Today, many of who have made a successful career is to thank their mothers for high standards and support. ALWAYS THERE WORK IS GUARANTEED SUCCESS? A strong woman works a lot, because of their vital systems: it is ambitious, demanding, she surely must realize their talents and be ahead of the rest. In addition, a strong woman, not which found itself equal partner, we have to work hard to provide for themselves, often elderly parents and young children. It does not necessarily make a successful career or become a big boss – she working to elementary survival. Does she serves as chair of the head or an ordinary employee of the company, through its diligence strong woman destined to achieve great results. In an effort to fulfill all problem 'for five-plus', it is often taken on their shoulders more than able to run, and then was nervous because of the fact that not cope with the huge volume of work or do not do the job on time. Working life in a state endless race and continuous stress leads to a unique result – fatigue, depression, and "the accumulated fatigue syndrome '.
The latter, incidentally, physicians 10 years ago, officially named the diagnosis – disease of the age, which often slays business people from the rock workaholics. Lonely strong woman is transformed into a workaholic, because she was not one to rush home and thereby drives himself into a vicious circle: 'home-work', where there is no place Device personal life. A married woman is deprived of the happy workaholic time she could spend with his family. What to do? Allow yourself to unwind, relax on weekends and during summer vacation – infinite running in a circle can undermine health. If you do not care about yourself, think about the loved ones at least – they need you healthy and cheerful! The courage to say 'no' to the next instruction of the authorities or stunning projects that promise fabulous profits. Get rid of internal feelings, as if run over by train and if not vprygnite at the last moment on the bandwagon, he umchitsya forever. Nothing will come and the next.
As see strong women is not as perfect as it seems at first glance. They have such omnipotent, it turns out, also has its shortcomings and internal problems. Perhaps chief among them lies in the fact that intelligent and educated, they sometimes forget the ancient world as the idea that the strength of a woman in her weakness. If the strong women learn to accept help from the men share the responsibilities and assignments with colleagues with his household, and most importantly – learn to trust people and will no longer shoulder the excessive burden of responsibility for all and all, maybe then these beautiful creatures in all respects not even have to become stronger. Source: Women's portal.